Monday, August 3, 2009

I Love It...

L.O.V.E. (!!!) this song - to the point that I've seriously been listening to it for 2 days .... I'm still not really sure how got on the "Regina Spektor is amazing" train so late in my life/her career - but there you have it. I'm on board now.

Anyhow, another thing I love is this little blog called Le Love. It's glorious - and since we all know how much I love love (thanks for bearing with my redundancies) - it stands to reason that I follow it pretty regularly. (Yay for rea.der!). Which is how I chanced upon this little picture that they ffffound (I may be off on my number of ffffff's in that one - never really sure) which seems like it could somehow have been titled "dear Aimee Piper"....
AND here's where I come full circle (whew) the picture and the song/video? Sort of remind me of each other. Enjoy.

1 comment:

montague said...

i really love regina spektor. loooove her.

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