Monday, May 31, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Reunited And It Feels So Good...?

Remember when I lost my iPod shuffle? Well... I didn't. It was in my make-up case. I know, I know. It's all very "sigh. aimee piper!"

Last night some friends and I went to the Korean Film Festival here in Haifa - the Korean Ambassador to Israel and his truly lovely wife were there and everything - and I wore make-up for the first time in at least a month. [Eyeliner and mascara plus a proclivity for water sports is just a bad combination. Trust.]

So it seems that I left the shuffle home, after all. Which is good for a myriad reasons - not least because I really think I could be good at iTunes. I love music!

To sum: if you need to make fun of me for at least 3 weeks, I totally understand. I blame it on the blonde.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

There Is No Time Like The Present...

Image courtesy Bitte Ein Kuss.

I really don't think that more explanation is necessary here.

Little Bo Peep...

Pod of I

I have lost my iPod shuffle - it looks sort of like this one... except mine is graphite in color and has my full name etched on (thanks Apple). I lost it somewhere between my house and the bus stop. Le sigh.

There are many opportunities for growth here - mostly centered around detachment and organization. ...but also a really fun exercise in irony. Yes, irony - the word most used by those who understand it least. I just learned how to use iTunes. Like this week.

Anyhow, if you live in Haifa & happen to have seen a lonely looking iPod and wanted to reconnect with your good Samaritan roots and reunite a girl with her portable entertainment system... tokens of sincere appreciation would likely include really delicious fresh baked scones and enthusiastic high fives.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On Love Turtles....

First Aid Kit :: Image credit.

I first heard these girls covering the Fleet Foxes.... But they've come back into my life courtesy of my kid sister, Merilee. Kind of appropriate, considering. [They're sisters, too.]

They describe their sound as what Gary Numan would sound like if he made folk music... they put up a pretty good showing at SXSW (if what I see on yo.ut.ub.e is correct) - but don't take my word for it. Their second single, I Met Up With The King here.
*Thanks, Myrtle - I appreciate you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can't Hardly Wait...

Image credit: Vic.

Beach hair, toes in the sand, hot and delicious sunsets... yes please. All of this is - of course - not so undercover code for 'Dear Summer: you're very welcome'.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Courtesy Bitte Ein Kuss.

Bayan and I finally (No. Seriously. Finally.) finished Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (UK edition) last night. We'll probably take a short break - Bayan is reading other books all by himself (!!!) now, afterall - before we move on the The Chamber of Secrets.

**Ani Lomedit Ivrit...

There is an older woman (maybe 75 or so) I see fairly regularly walking her dog in my neighborhood. I like to practice my Hebrew with her - and did so when I saw her while I was waiting for the bus to go to water polo practice the other night. She asked if I’m “doing Aliya” (this means the right of return giving an opportunity for non-Israel born Jews to establish permanent residence and citizenship in Israel). And I tell her no, that I serve at the Bahá'í gardens and point uphill to where my office is.

I further explain – in stilted Hebrew – that I play water polo at Technion University and that I learn Hebrew from my friends. She understands that I have a boyfriend who plays water polo at Technion……………

“no! there are like 30 or 40 of them!”
I get a very weird – very questioning look.

“no! it’s not like that!” and I manage to convince her I don’t have 30 or 40 water polo playing boyfriends…. But she’s still certain that I have at least one. “Israeli boys is very nice – they is very fit, yes?”

She then starts pantomiming just how nice they are and waxing dramatic on my 'imaginary Israeli boyfriend'. Please note the imagination being exercised in this scenario is hers...

“Israeli men, they are very fit when they are young” – holds her hands up to her chest and starts marking out pecs and a six pack. I’m pretty sure she was using the Hebrew words for such things, but then realized I didn’t understand her words so starts using little sounds – like the ones kids make when they are assembling legos “tchk-a tchk”.

*You should know that by this point I’m already trying not to expire from laughter/not offend her by outright laughing*

“And then when they marry – they go boom!” (pantomimes a ginormo gut)
“And they wife do too” she admitted after a brief pause and sort of contemplative look.

Sometimes learning a new language is really awesome.

**Translation: I Am Learning Hebrew

One of These Is Not the Same...

Controversy? It's actually a travesty - or maybe a really well executed prank. Yes, Ashton Kutcher has punked the entire midwest....
“I personally believe, that U.S. Americans, are unable to do so, because uh, some, people out there, in our nation don’t have maps. And uh…I believe that our education like such as in South Africa, and the Iraq, everywhere like such as…and, I believe they should uh, our education over here, in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.” Miss South Carolina - 2007.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh Yes I Did...

1995 - Colin Firth

However infrequently you peek in... I should think it fairly obvious that I am a not-so-closet romantic. I should also preface this by saying that I love the above referenced adaptations of Ms. Austin's classic tale of proud-girl-reforms-haughty-boy-and-makes-him-fall-madly-in-love-with-her.... I also have the highest respect for the actors who have so graciously lent their faces (seen pictured in their respective roles as *gasp!* Mr. Darcy) to random searches.

Mr. Darcy seems to be the barometer by which too many women judge men and relationships. But do you know what? Mr. Darcy is literally the figment of another woman's imagination: do better.
That's all. As you were.

Found In Translation...

The lovely Ciamh.

Remember last week when I was walking to practice and had my awesome 'high 5' encounter? Well, as I'm still actively trying to learn the language, I decided on Monday at practice to learn how to say it (high 5) in Hebrew.
"I know that 'high 5s' are a pretty American thing... but how do you say it in Hebrew?"
*I expected to hear the translation of "high" + "five"*
"Keev" [Insert a high 5 - or keev as the case may be...]

So back to the picture: my friend Ciamh. Ciamh is from Ireland... her name is actually pronounced 'Keev'. I know. It's too much, I can't handle all of this amazingness, either.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Image courtesy Le Love.

I think about love ...rather a lot. I think that too many people enter a relationship only considering what they themselves have to gain. I don't really have too much experience in this arena - I'm mostly just thinking out loud... but I imagine that if we were to reexamine and purify our motives for entering into a relationship - romantic or otherwise - with another that we, as a society, would notice a measurable increase in our happiness and productivity.

Maybe I'm being too formulaic (and so I ask that you please excuse my naivety) but how cool would it be if merging (ahem) corporations focused more on the product of their union than their potential material or image gains?

Afternoon realizations: With self, less is always more ...and lose the ish. As you were.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hear Ye... Hear Ye!

Head's up courtesy Tralalere - cheers.
So about 6 months - maybe longer - ago, my homeopath suggested that I begin incorporating daily affirmations into my routine. To enter a space where I was more completely caring for myself. We can call it a wellness paradigm shift, I suppose.

This little girl kills it! I love the way she just looks straight in the mirror and tells it like it is - a neat little package of things she's thankful for and capable of... you may know them by their other names: everything and anything, respectively.

I really suggest you to try it, though. Acknowledging the positive things in your life, your strengths and capacities. I don't think that this is akin to exercising one's vanity factor - I think of it more as keeping it real.

Keep up the positivity, friends.

Universal Truths...

Image credit.

So I finally got a radio - with the express purpose of listening to local radio stations and improving my (limited) comprehension of Hebrew. I plugged it in last night and wouldn't you know that late night radio is just as horrible (I mean charming?) in Israel as it is in the States. I was amazingly comforted by this realization. Three cheers for global truisms!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spheres of Usefulness...

Support the artist (!) - István Vasil

So I'm nearing the one year mark in my service. One year until I must leave the comfort of the Bahá’í World Centre.... Aside from the obvious, I'm mostly having palpitations about having to leave Israel - I truly love this place. But I'm starting to also consider what it is that I'm going to do with myself. By which I mean 'how am I going to be useful'. I have time, I know - but the job hunt seems a little daunting. Just saying.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


My kid brother and I
...when he was still my little brother.
Now he's all grown-up and having birthdays, and stuff.

My brother is a champ... in a family of three siblings, he's in the middle between two very opinionated sisters. His birthday always falls during a whirlwind week of celebrating the women in our family - mother's day, our mother's birthday, and our aunt's birthday, too. Same week. Ha. Our mom used to be frustrated by having to celebrate a combo birthday with her sister - imagine our poor Bill! But he's seriously the best. He reminds me of those beautiful stones the sea churns out - just smooth and collected.

Happy birthday, Bill. I love you.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

500 Days of Aimee Piper...

Okay, I know... let's not get too carried away (and shamelessly rip blog titles from awesome movie titles.) - but seriously? Sometimes I feel like I live in a musical.
Image credit.

So you may remember that I regularly feel as though I'm in my own little world when I'm listening to music... even when I'm on the go. Well last night as I was walking across campus to water polo practice I was rocking out big time. Okay, technically I was listening to classical Irish folk music - but the violins were kicking (it all sounded very "beef. It's what's for dinner.) and as I was walking I may have been (definitely) dancing a little too.

Did I tell you the part where I was at that moment on a university campus (Technion - big shout out) and that the sidewalk I was on was pretty packed? Yeah - it's how I (rock and) roll.

Right... puns aside, I see this guy walking towards me - and all of a sudden he starts imitating my sweet dance moves (which may have included - though were unlikely limited to bobbing my head in time with the music and a little "air percussion"). Naturally I laugh aloud that point it was about 50/50 embarrassment to hilarity "this is my life" factor... and give the head nod/universal sign of acknowledgement.

Friends - the part that happened next is excerpted from my real life and is not a case of wishful thinking or an over-active imagination. He put his hand up and we gave each other a solid 'high 5' in passing and kept on our separate ways. You do remember how well I like high 5s, right!?!

As Ray pointed out today at lunch, I could not have orchestrated that moment better if I'd tried. And while I'll probably never see that guy again, I'd like to put it out into the universe... thanks. That was really cool. Oh - and I like your sense of humor.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hai! Mochi Mochi...

Please try not to die... but this little girl is so cute it hurts me. To quote the Australians (and Haley) in my life: sdlkfjeoaierf!
Sorry for the inundation of videos and etc. In my defense... yeah - I've got nothing. Who's not living life to the fullest and tired all of the time?
Head's up credit.

Post Script... her mother is Japanese and her father is American. Further proof that multicultural children are beautiful and amazing.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Magic Happens...

Remember all of that Liquid Beauty action from December? Well the good folks at TED (Ideas worth spreading) have done us a proper by inviting LXD - the League of eXtraordinary Dancers - to come and share their craft with us. Glorious and amazing - I pinky swear.
Heads up courtesy Nava.

Across The Universe...

Dedicated to all you mothers out there... whereever you are.
Image courtesy PoppyTalk.
The title of this post has nothing to do with the Beatles - and everything to do with proximity. My mom is in a galaxy far far away (dear OC specifically & California generally... don't sweat - we all think it.) and I'm not able to be there in person.
But it's true. I do. you.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Image courtesy Tralalere.
Really you should be checking her blog, I'm clearly addicted...

So this jump for joyness seen above is pretty much how I've felt since last week. Remember how my mom sent a package of care for Bayan and I? Specifically, she sent some books that he could read - all by himself! Oh friends - he is so excited! I saw him at the Holy Day celebration of Ridvan (marking the Declaration of Baha'u'llah) and he was SO excited by those books!

Well (!!) when we had reading times tonight, Bayan read to me from one of his new books! And he's so happy and proud to be able to read on his own! I'm so happy and proud of him!


Courtesy Le Love

The interwebs have come to the rescue - again. As you may suspect I'm struggling with a nasty bout of sleep deprivation today (exhaustion courtesy midnight bongo drums and pre-dawn construction) - and while I'll likely make myself an afternoon caffeinated delight, this picture has done wonders for my mood. ...alas I'm wont to be a little grumpy when I'm tired.

On Hallucination...

Image credit.

So I think that Matthew McConaughey may have moved in next door. No? You're sure he's not living in Haifa, Israel? Well... my neighbors have bongo drums and they're not afraid to use them. The least they could do is masquerade as good looking southern gentlemen - am I right?
Did I mention the part where I'm a light sleeper - and that I'm clearly hallucinating?

UPDATES: I was (rudely) woken at 6 am by ear-splitting, room shaking, dream shattering construction work. I like a remodel as much as the next girl (HGTV anyone?)... but really? 6 am? Sigh.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Having More Fun...?

So I've been blonde(r) for about three and a half weeks now and I've had a digital camera exactly six days. I've already taken a picture of the inside of my purse.... The chance is great I would have also done this a month ago, and I don't follow the dumb-blonde stereotype. But sometimes, when I start to prove the rule, I get nervous.

Like today. For afternoon snack I had an orange and a cup of coffee. Friends it took me the better part of 15 minutes to peel that orange, and I had juice all over my hands...! [You may remember my thoughts on dirty hands.] Sometimes I wonder how I'm even alive.

Cinco de Mayo...

The first Cinco de Mayo celebration I remember was in the first grade - we were living in Orange, California and we were in a largely Hispanic neighborhood. There was a parade for the whole school! Needless to say it's still one of the more vivid memories I have of our family's time in Orange. I still love Cinco de Mayo. As it's not a holiday commonly celebrated in Mexico itself, I feel that it is something unique to Mexican-American culture. As a born and (mostly) raised Southern Californian, I feel like this is a time of year that we really get to celebrate our history, unity and diversity.

Dictionary(dot)com's Word of the Day today - not unlike this holiday - comes to us via Mexico:

vamoose \va-MOOS\, verb:

1. To leave hurriedly or quickly; decamp.

2. To leave hurriedly or quickly from; decamp from.

Vamoose originates in the 1800s, derived from the Spanish vamos, or "let us go." The word likely entered American usage through Mexico.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

...Oh La La

This little number, originally peeped on Tralalere!, is amazing. It's also a shout out for my friend Jason.

Doesn't it remind you of the AcaFella's goodness from Glee?
Original video courtesy herself here.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Moment In Time...

Water Polo Tournament
Technion University
Haifa, Israel

So in addition to all of the water polo I play with the Maccabi Haifa women's team, I also workout with the men's team at Technion University here in Haifa sometimes. This weekend (yesterday, specifically) they hosted an intercollegiate tournament and I naturally went to support my friends.

Also yesterday the New York Times organized a global photo opportunity (peep the link for information). The idea was that at a specific time (that translated to 6pm in Israel) photographers - be they novice or professional and everything between - were to take a single picture, and then we (they?) would wind up with a global snapshot (pun intended) of a single moment in time. So the above picture marks my submission.

Reunited with a digital camera ...and it feels so good. I'm not really sure that this will make a big difference here in this space, I realize that I'm sort of lazy when it comes to these things and I don't want to disappoint...?

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