Sunday, August 10, 2008

Progress Report...

So I saw Batman again this weekend - on IMAX! And since it's been almost 2 weeks since I started running, I thought I'd fill you all in on my progress.
Ok, so not for long periods of time - but I've run twice each week since I decided (determined?) that Bruce Wayne could use a new leading lady - and I'm getting stronger each time I do it! That's pretty exciting, huh? I'm running again tonight - so if you have any advice on running - specifically running in a city - or on how to land a leading lady part - specifically in the same movie as your (my) Hollywood boyfriend - feel free to leave me a line!


montague said...

i'm going to watch the movie on imax wednesday... can't wait! haven't seen it yet!

j'taimee said...

OH! let me know what you think!

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