Yesterday I read two (!!) - I know, but I haven't read them in a while, and these two were already on my desk. So I thought to myself, self - you should read those and think about them for awhile. And you know what? After I read them - I felt totally better. So much so that I thought you might like to read them, too.
Photo: Courtesy of Frolic
*I've actually had this picture saved for a long time - this seemed to be just the ticket*
Courage:Courage transforms fear into determination. It is embracing life fully, without holding back, doing what must be done even when it is difficult or risky. When we are tempted to give up, courage supports us to take the next step. It allows us to face adversity with confidence. Courage opens us to new possibilities, and gives us the strength to sacrifice for what we love. At times we need courage to accept the truth, and to pick ourselves up after a mistake, ready to make amends and try again. Courage gives me the strength to make this journey with all my heart.
“Heart, be brave. If you cannot be brave, just go. Love’s glory is not a small thing.” – Jalal’u’Din Rumi
Hope is looking to the future with trust and faith. It is optimism in the face of adversity. Without hope, we lose our will to live fully. Hope gives us the courage to keep moving forward. It can be elusive when we have suffered often, yet it is the light that can redeem our dreams. With hope, we know we are not alone. There is always help when we are willing to ask. There are gifts to be gleaned from all that happens. With hope, we find the confidence to try and try again.
“The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” – Barbara Kingsolver
p.s. I L.O.V.E. (!) this quote from Rumi - here it is again: “Heart, be brave. If you cannot be brave, just go. Love’s glory is not a small thing.” – Jalal’u’Din Rumi
Sounds like such a lovely deck of cards to have, perfect for reflecting on. Also love the quote you posted at the end! <3
Thanks for your lovely comment, dear! <3
i have a deck of cards like these as well :) but mine are little windows you open with quotes inside to get you through in a sense.. i pass them around to friends when in need of a little inspiration & they always seem to know exactly what to say at exactly the right moment.
i dig this entry :)
- sheena
Miss S-C: yes, these cards are great - I often select one at random for meditation and reflection.
Sheena: yours sound so cute! I like the idea of windows in my virtues cards. :)
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