Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Something Old: A Dream

My souls touch and flex guiding the muscles of my legs to ease the cares of my lonely days. While my palms unite and I imitate the mantis, my now exhausted self looses the anchors of my mind. Flex and stretch and hum and purr - with each movement and syllable I am transported closer to a world where nothing makes sense, but where everything is perfect.

Here I am in a calm, deep, and ancient forest. Coniferous tree piercing the crisp blue, now thunderously grey sky. In all of this you appear. A flash of many colored wings. Silently your powerful wings propel you through the forest. Silently you catch my eye and I begin to run, my only thought to keep pace. For now I know your secret, as it is my own. Towards you, each step closer I take, a fresh bit of potential I realize. To greater heights I am lifted, each beat your wings do make.

With my dreams for example, I know what I must do. To catch the bird that is my soul, I must turn my thoughts from free to God's.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post.

Is it written somewhere or were those just your thoughts ?

j'taimee said...

I literally wrote down a dream that I'd had.

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